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  1. LINHARDT was founded


    by Christian Linhardt at Viechtach

  2. Opening plant Hambrücken


    Hambrücken starts producing

  3. Founding tube factory Sachsen


    Construction of the tube factory at Pausa (Saxony)

  4. Expansion of the Viechtach plant


    New plant “Clean Factory” at Viechtach

  5. Expansion of the aerosol cans’ range


  6. Opening of the Bjisk site


    Joint venture at Bijsk (Russia)

  7. New high rack warehouse at Viechtach


  8. Opening of the Linden Technology Center


    New Technology Center in Linden

  9. Sale of the Multiflex division


    Sale of the Multiflex / Laminate division to Hoffmann-Neopac AG; Takeover of the aluminum tubes division of Nussbaum AG

  10. Driverless transport system


    Introduction of the AGILOX driverless transport system at the Hambrücken and Viechtach locations.

  11. Technical center and training center


    New construction of the technical center and training center at the Viechtach site.

  12. LINHARDT Pioneer Group


    Acquisition of the Pioneer Group with four locations in India (picture attachment Sanjan).